Atomic American Bulldogs is now offering semen for shipment worldwide. In order to aquire frozen semen from us, we require the buyers female(s) to have their hips certified by either PennHIP or OFA (or by any other hip certifying method outside the USA). Females must be of breeding age.
The buyer expressly understands that frozen semen is a valuable commodity that must be handled and used properly on healthy, suitable females who are fertile, and agrees to have the female inseminated by a veterinarian experienced in canine reproduction.
The buyer expressly understands that Atomic American Bulldogs is providing frozen semen as a service and that there is no guarantee puppies will be produced with any type of breeding method including artificial insemination using frozen semen, and further understands that Atomic American Bulldogs shall NOT be held responsible for any errors, failed inseminations, failure of female to conceive, failure of female to reach term, diseases, injuries or loss to female, or any other mishaps attributable to a pregnancy, or to surgical artificial inseminations.
As of now, we have semen from Jed available to approved females. Jed's frozen semen is $1,500 (USD) per insemination. Please print this agreement and send it along with your payment.
Buyers Name: ____________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________, City/Town: ____________________________, State: ______, Zip: _________
Phone #: (_____)____________________, email Address: ____________________________________________
Registed name of female: ______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ____/____/________
Registration Organization: _______________________________ Registration #: ___________________
PennHIP Score: __________ PennHIP Cert #: _________________________ OFA Rating: _______________ OFA Cert #: ______________________
Buyers Signature: ________________________________________________ Atomic AB's Signature: ________________________________________